How Climbing Mountains Can Help You

These past few months, my friends and I have been climbing mountains and reconnecting with mother earth. My reason before was to just experience a hike and to just have that profile-picture-perfect photo on a summit.


However, it all changed after my first hike in Mt. Batulao. There was this urge and excitement to climb one mountain after the other. Your body and soul get thirst with adventure and seeing greens and browns and hearing tweets and feeling water rushing through your feet.

climbing mountains can help you in mount batulao

Climbing made me realized that it is more than just an experience. It is being mesmerized and amazed with wonderful creations of God. It will also let yourself know your capabilities and how brave you are. It helped one of my friends to face her fear of heights. She’s now one of those who have climbed number of mountains.


When climbing with friends, it also makes the friendship closer and you get to know your friends even more. And not to mention, climbing with friends makes the difficulty bearable and makes the climb more fun and exciting. Your body will hurt more from laughing than bending it here and there.

mount daguldol climbing can help you

Truly, nature is one of those healing thing that God made to help us cope up with everything. From knowing and challenging yourself, to healing your personal pains, or to just wanting to have that attachment to nature. It will make you more aware of taking good care of it because you’re in great awe of its beauty that you want the next generations to see it themselves as well.


And speaking of that, please, please don’t throw your garbage just anywhere you want. Bring a trash bag with you or put your wastes inside your bag and bring it with you down the mountain and dispose it properly. Let us all be responsible and a hiker-with-a-heart.


All our little contribution will be of help in taking good care of our environment, especially mountains, one hand at a time.


For those who want to try this activity, go and try it yourself! Maybe one day, I’ll be bumping into you on one of the beautiful mountains of our country. Don’t forget to say “Magandang umaga. (Good morning.)”, ha? Ciao! 🙂



21 thoughts on “How Climbing Mountains Can Help You”

  1. so climbing was quite addicting pala? This one in my bucket list, for just one reason, i just wanted to climb one mountain just to experience it. Now i know, it can be grossing! I want it all the more! I wish i could nail that first climb this year! 🙂

  2. this post made me more excited for my first climb! I was thinking if I should hike either Mt batulao, Gulugod Baboy or Pico De Loro… I wanna make sure to have my first climb this year… by hook or by crook ,.. it should push through haha
    My purpose is to do something for a change! I just want to experience my life to the fullest by doing things I want and experience those things I haven’t done before!

    1. Yes! Push! There is this sense of fulfillment and pride once you step your feet on the summit. That finally, you did it! I suggest you go with your friends or group that is fun to be with. It’ll make the climb really easier and fun. Join us some time 🙂

  3. Wow! Great post! One of my goals this year is to climb a mountain and my friends and I are planning to hike up Mt. Pulag. I’m so excited now after reading your blog!

  4. You definitely have a good attitude about climbing unlike me hahaha… I really don’t like it, I just do it because I’m with friends and being with them makes it less strenuous. But the view on the top is always worth the effort so I guess I have a love-hate relationship with climbing.

  5. I know a friend who make mountain climbing her stress reliever. Parang every week ata nag ma-mountain climbing sila. And she will always say that the peak is the greatest achivement daw.

  6. It has been a while. I am really envious of your photos. So envious that I wanna plan a climb before the month’s end. Happy Climbing and See yah at the summit!

  7. Feels like hiking is now a trend and a lot are trying it except me. Hahaha. Guess hiking helps people overcome fears and of course exceeding their “what-i-can-dos”. Nice read!

  8. Pingback: Mt. Manalmon x Mt. Gola Twin Day Hike (with side trip Bayukbok Cave Spelunking.) – annmaziing

  9. Pingback: Mt. Manalmon and Mt. Gola Twin Day Hike (with side trip at Bayukbok Cave Spelunking) - Ann Loves To Write

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